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In My Arms (Philadelphia Series) Page 3


  “Shit Ava, I’m sorry. Are you sure it doesn’t hurt?” I asked, looking deep into her eyes.

  “I’m fine, please, let’s just forget that night ever happened.” That as the last thing I wanted to do. Hell, I couldn’t forget that night if I tried, and believe me…I did try this whole past weekend. I was pretty sure I wouldn’t be forgetting much about this woman.

  “I’m not sure I can.” I mumbled. Her breath caught for a moment before she shook her head and focused back on the screen.

  The rest of the day was spent going over the company profile and image. We both had several ideas of the direction we would like to take it, but in the end, we needed to go visit some of the clubs to get a feel of things.

  “So, there are three clubs in the Philly area, right?” I watched Ava finish chewing the bite of her sandwich before answering me.

  “Yes. We should try to visit a couple this week and the other one next week.” She started making notes.

  “How about Wednesday and Saturday?” I asked.

  “Wednesday is fine, but Saturday I’m moving.” She smiled slightly. It was obviously something she was happy about, and it made me want to know more.

  “Why are you moving?” I couldn’t help it, I was too curious. I needed to know more about her.

  “Um, I was living with Kyle until three weeks ago.” She looked away, and I could tell she didn’t want me to push the subject.

  “Do you need help? We could help you move and then all head to the club after.”

  “We?” She smiled. “You’re volunteering people now?”

  “Yeah, my friends Nick and Tom and of course myself.” I wiggled my eyebrows. I was going to have to owe them big time for this, but I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to be with her this weekend.

  “Ok. My friend Talia is going to help too, and as you probably remember, she is always up for a good time, so I’m sure she will be happy to go clubbing after.” She raised her eyebrow, almost daring me to make another comment about her friend. I was not going down that road again.

  “Great! Then it’s settled.” I smiled at her, and for the first time today, she smiled back.

  Chapter 4


  “That is just crazy!” Talia shook her head in disbelief when I told her about working together with Trevor at the gym on Wednesday. “What are the odds, huh?” She slowed from her run to a walk on the treadmill blotting her flushed face with a towel.

  “You’re telling me! You should have seen my face when Mr. Jameson introduced him. I about shit my pants!” I exclaimed.

  Trevor and I had been working the last couple days together, and to be honest, I was kind of enjoying his presence in the tiny office we shared. He was funny and light and I was finding myself more and more relaxed around him. Of course, it didn’t hurt that he was some major eye candy either. Yummy! He was also fitting in quite well at the office too. Everyone seemed to like him, especially the women. I was not jealous….not one single bit!

  There hadn’t been anymore discussion about the night we met, and I could only assume he’d taken what I’d said to heart and was letting it go. I wish I could follow my own instructions. The last thing I needed right now was to get involved with someone again, but every time I looked at him I had hot-fan myself-toe curling kind of flashbacks of the kiss we shared.

  “You have to admit Ava, He is hot!” Talia fanned herself, and I wasn’t sure if it was because of her workout or the thought of Trevor. He certainly had affected me in that way.

  “Trust me, I know that. I have to sit across from him every day!” I groaned. “If things stay this way, pretty soon I’m going to need to excuse myself during the day for a little alone time, if you know what I mean.”

  “Well, it shouldn’t be anything new for you. You’ve had to take care of yourself like that the entire time you with Kyle. Selfish bastard!” Talia grumbled. I should have never told her that Kyle couldn’t give me an orgasm.

  “So, are you coming to the club with us tonight?” I slowed down my own treadmill and took a drink from my water bottle, changing the subject.

  “Sorry baby girl! Not this time, I have a date!” I watched Talia stop her machine and wipe her forehead again with her towel.

  “A date? With who?”

  “Some guy I met at the club on Friday night.”

  “You can’t be serious? Do you even remember any of the guys you met that night?” I laughed. “How do you do that? You are nuts!”

  She laughed and nodded. “Amen sister! I run with scissors too, because I’m a rebel like that-- yeah! Keeping it real. You underestimate me my friend. It’s a gift.” She winked at me as she headed for the locker room.

  Never a dull moment with her!


  Me: Looks like it’s just me tonight.

  Trevor: Me too.

  Me: I can pick you up.

  Trevor: Sounds good. 8:00?

  Me: Sure.

  Trevor: 2247 Ridge Rd. Text when you get here and I’ll come down.

  Me: K

  I dropped the phone on my aunt’s guest bed and searched through the plastic totes that currently housed my clothes. I couldn’t wait to have a closet again. I was so sick of having to iron everything I own.

  I finally decided on an outfit and headed across the hall to the bathroom for a quick shower. I couldn’t help but feel excited for so many reasons. I’d been looking forward to working on a big project for years now, and I finally have the chance to do something that could prove my worth to the company. Granted, I am working on it with a partner, but I guess if I had to work with anyone, Trevor is about the best bet. Oh yes! Brains and looks wrapped up in a tight little package!

  In just the short couple of days we had been working together, I could see enough to know that he and I think through a lot of things the same way. Our styles are complementary of each other’s, and the things we differ on, have not been deal breakers.

  I pulled my hair up and stood in front of the mirror. Knee high boots. Check! Short skirt. Check! Form fitting shirt with a great bra! Check! “Well Ava, this is as good as it’s going to get.” I tell myself.

  I scribbled my aunt a quick note to let her know where I was going to be, just as a courtesy, and headed out.

  Traffic was light and I made it to Trevor’s apartment building within ten minutes. With a quick text to let him know I was there, I settled back and watched the door. I don’t know what I expected, but I can honestly say I was slightly taken aback at just how attractive he looked tonight. Okay, not just attractive, he looked amazingly hot!

  “Hey!” Trevor buckled his seatbelt and stared at me.

  “What? Is something wrong?” I asked.

  “No, something is so not wrong, in fact, everything is just right. You look amazing!”

  His gorgeous smile made my stomach do little flips. It had been so long since I’d felt really good about myself, and Trevor had a way of making me feel great with just a look or a smile.

  Looking back now, I am beginning to realize just how destructive my relationship with Kyle had been. It wasn’t always that way. Of course in the beginning, he was charming and sweet. Even after I moved in with him, but with me trying hard to move up in my job and him doing his thing—whatever or whoever that was—I had pulled back, and he became downright mean.

  Kyle never physically hurt me—well, until the bruises he’d left on my arm last weekend—but he was verbally abusive. Everything was my fault, and he was never happy with me. I knew it was coming to an end, even before I caught him with his couch slut. I guess sometimes you just need to have a little push to remember that you are strong enough. It still amazes me that I allowed myself to remain in that situation for that long. I was never that type of girl. I was strong and fun and so driven, but I still allowed myself to be broken down by a blatantly insecure man. I can tell you that I won’t be settling for a relationship like that again. In fact, I was not going to jump back into any type of relationsh
ip. I should take some lessons from Talia on how to have casual flings.

  “Thank you Trevor, you look pretty good yourself!” I pulled out into traffic and headed for the club.

  “My new apartment is only a few blocks from yours.” I pointed down the cross street that led to my building.

  “No kidding?” I laughed at how quickly he turned and looked out the window.

  “So Trevor, what type of things are you looking for tonight at the club?”

  “Are we talking about work or something else?” He wiggled his eyebrows at me. I tried not to laugh, but he was so cute!

  “Of course I’m talking about work. I’m not saying you can’t have fun, just take mental notes as you are wooing the women.” I shook my head as we pulled into the parking garage across from the club.

  “I’m not planning on wooing random women tonight. I’m here with you.” He sounded annoyed, but I didn’t want to dig deeper. I could already feel my walls coming down when I was around Trevor. I needed to guard myself, so no asking questions that I didn’t want the answers to.

  “Wow.” The club had a great color scheme. Red, blue and yellow with exposed brick and dark wood floors. The bar was huge with great bottle display and there was an upper loft area where you could sit and watch the party below. This was totally somewhere that I could see myself and my friends coming.

  “Let’s get a drink.” I followed Trevor through the crowd. I almost lost him, but he grabbed a hold of my hand and pulled me with him.

  Trevor handed me a pomegranate martini that was supposed to be one of the club favorites, and we turned, leaning up against the bar to watch the crowd. Forcing myself into work mode.

  There were approximately two males to every female, and I could see why they wanted a woman’s perspective. This club had the potential to be a great place for professional young women with the proper marketing. Bring the women in and the men tend to follow.

  “Ready?” Trevor took my empty glass and set it on the bar. Wow, when did I drink that?

  “For what?” I asked.

  “Dancing.” He smiled, cocking his head to the side.

  “Trevor, you must remember that I don’t dance, right?” I could feel my body heating up, both from the drink I’d just downed and with the thought of being that close to him on the dance floor again.

  “Sure you do. Come on.” It was obvious he wasn’t taking no for an answer, so I did what any self respecting woman would do……I begged.

  “Please Trevor, my dancing is not pretty. You’re going to have to trust me on this.”

  “Ava, there isn’t any part of you that’s not pretty, besides, I’ve already danced with you. Remember?” He cocked his eyebrow at me. I swear I was in fight or flight mode. I wasn’t sure what to do. Turns out he wasn’t giving me time to decide. “Let’s go.” He took my hand and pulled me with him.

  By the time we reached the dance floor, “Pound the Alarm” by Nicki Minaj had started. Oh god, here we go, kill me now! Trevor started to move and I was quite amazed at how natural he looked. Could he be any more perfect?

  He put his hands on my side, right above my hips and started to move them, making me sway with him. Before I knew it I was feeling the beat and letting go, hoping like mad that I wasn’t making that weird duck face.

  Trevor turned me around so he was pressed up against my back, still moving to the rhythm of the song. He slid his hands up along my sides, raising my arms when he got to them and then gently placing them back around his neck, so I was leaning against him, all the while still holding me very close.

  I laid my head back against his hard chest, lost in the music and the feel of his arms around me. I could feel his warm breath against my neck and it made my stomach flutter as well as other key places. Holy quivering loins Batman!

  He spun me around and pulled me fully up against his hard chiseled body. I could feel his impressive erection pressing against my stomach and I let out an involuntary groan. Trevor smiled at me and whispered in my ear. “Tell me what you want Ava.” Oh God, was he serious? What did I want? Besides him pressing me up against a wall and taking me right now?

  I had a delicious taste of his kisses before, and it was amazing, even if it was just a farce to get Kyle away from me. The idea of letting myself go again scared the ever living shit out of me!

  Trevor had brought to the surface so many feelings that I thought I was incapable of feeling anymore. My body came alive with him, and my mind seemed to take the back burner. Shit, what am I doing?

  “I can’t.” I whispered.

  “You can’t what Ava?” He gently kissed my temple as we continued to move with the music.

  “It’s too soon. I can go down this road again.” I tried to think back when I’d met Kyle, trying to remember if I’d ever felt this passion with him. I don’t think I did then—maybe not even ever.

  “Tell me what you want Ava. I’ll give you whatever you want, just tell me.” He demanded.

  I couldn’t breathe. I felt like I was drowning. My body was screaming for him to take me, but my mind was screaming run. I so wanted to give in. Just to feel good. But I couldn’t do it. Not with him. If the reactions of my body were any indication, I wasn’t going to just walk away with the experience with him. Maybe I couldn’t do casual. Not with him anyway.

  “I need you to be my friend.” Yeah….I’m pretty sure that sounded even more pathetic out loud than it did in my head.

  Chapter 5


  She wanted a friend? Well shit!

  I could feel her body’s response to me. She wanted me as much as I wanted her. That son-of-a-bitch Kyle really did a number on her. How could he take for granted the wonderful woman he had?

  I knew she was scared. Hell, I was too! I couldn’t remember ever wanting someone as bad as I wanted Ava. I was hoping to get a night with her, just to get her out of my system. Who was I kidding? Ava wasn’t a casual fuck. Was I really considering something more with this girl? Come on Trevor, man up!

  I kissed her softly on the head and pulled back so I could see her face. “I can do that.” Good luck with that Trevor.

  The relief I saw in her face made me feel good about my decision. I twirled her around as a new song started.

  She threw her head back and laughed as we continued to dance for several more songs. She was carefree and having fun. It made my night.

  “Ready to go?” I finished my drink and set it on the bar.

  “Yeah, it’s getting late.”

  We didn’t talk much on the way back to my place, but it was a comfortable silence. She seemed content. Me? I was a bundle of frustrated sexual energy. It didn’t help that she smelled fucking amazing!

  “Thanks for a great night Trevor. I really had fun.” She smiled so sweetly.

  I leaned over and gave her a hug. “My pleasure Ava. See you in the morning.”

  I needed a very cold shower!


  “I think that’s it.” I set the last box in the middle of the living room of Ava’s new apartment.

  She really didn’t have too much to move, and her new furniture was going to be delivered this afternoon and put together by the delivery people, so we didn’t have to worry about that, although I would have loved an excuse to stay longer. I had a hell of a time convincing Nick and Tom to do this for me on a Saturday morning. It looked like Talia wasn’t feeling it any more than my two friends.

  Ava had pulled out a bag of chips and salsa and we all gathered around the breakfast bar. I tossed the guys each a beer as we settled against the counter for a much needed break.

  “You look familiar, you sure we haven’t met before?” Nick popped a chip in his mouth, looking Talia over.

  “I don’t know, maybe…do you watch porn?” Talia asked innocently. Ava and I cracked up when Nick started to choke on his chip.

  “Nice.” Tom nodded and chuckled.

  “Not funny, I could have died damn it!” We were all laughing at Nick now, and he
really tried hard not to join us, but in the end he was smiling too. It looked like he’d met his match with Talia.

  We all decided to part ways until later that night at the club. Ava would be driving herself and Talia, and Nick, Tom and I would be driving together.

  “Thanks for your help today. I really appreciate it.” Ava reached up and hugged me tight for a brief moment. Much more brief than I would’ve liked, but considering we were friends, it was perfect.

  I shut the door and walked to the elevator where Nick and Tom were waiting, holding the doors open.

  “So, what’s the deal with you two?” Tom asked as I pushed the one on the elevator panel.

  “We are friends.” I groaned, leaning my forehead against the wall.

  “Last time we saw you two together, you looked a little closer than friends to me.” Nick wiggled his eyebrows.

  “She’s coming off of a two plus year relationship with a guy who is a total prick. You remember the asshole at the club? I don’t think he was very nice to her, and that night at the club, the motherfucker left bruises on her arm.” I shook my head. “He better hope I don’t see him again.” They both nodded, knowing I was dead serious.

  “Hey, thanks for helping me today. I’ve got the first couple of rounds tonight.” My friends were good guys. They had my back like family—there was no doubt about that.

  “Come on, let’s go eat.” I owed them a meal too.


  The club was packed by the time the guys and I showed up. Ava had texted me to say that she and Talia found a table next to the dance floor.

  I looked around, but it didn’t take long for me to find her. It was almost as if I was drawn to her, and god she looked hot tonight! Her long dark hair hung in soft curls over her shoulders and down her back. She wore a fitted red sweater with a black skirt and boots that did sinful things to her legs. This friend thing was going to kill me!

  “Wow man. Did you see Ava? She looks hot!” Nick nudged me. “Hey, with you all being just friends, mind if I take a stab at her?” I whipped around, glaring at him until I saw the smirk on his face.