In My Arms (Philadelphia Series) Read online

Page 2

  I looked in my rear view mirror in time to see him punching the light pole next to him so hard that he left a dent. Well, this was an eventful night!

  “I suppose you don’t want to talk about it right?” Talia giggled. I was thankful that she was drunk. Hopefully she wouldn’t remember this in the morning.

  Chapter 2


  “Oh my God, I am dying!” I heard Talia groan from her bedroom. I couldn’t help but smile, knowing how completely out of it she had been last night and quite frankly shocked that she was even awake yet.

  I poured my hungover friend a glass of cold orange juice, put a couple of pieces of cinnamon toast on a plate and moved down the hall to the bedroom. I had crashed at her apartment last night. After getting her to bed and calming myself down, I didn’t feel like driving back to my Aunt’s place.

  “Good morning sunshine!” I set the plate and glass next to the bed and headed into the bathroom in search of some aspirin, returning with the bottle a minute later.

  “Thanks.” Talia whispered as she tossed the two pills in her mouth and swallowed them with the juice.

  “Remind me of why you think this is fun?” I laughed softly at my friend’s distress. I never understood the appeal of getting completely smashed. You always seemed to regret it the next day. Well shit, who was I kidding? I was completely sober and I was regretting last night too. I can’t believe I allowed myself to fall for that crap. Here I was trying to regain control of my life and I allow some stranger at a club to make me lose my senses. I am grounding myself from going out!

  “This is not the fun part Ava.” Talia grimaced as she took a bite of toast. “However, last night was way beyond!” I giggled at the sparkle that appeared in her eyes. Talia was always the life of the party. Amazing and caring ER nurse by day, spontaneous party animal by night!

  “Please, do you even remember any of last night?” I lay back on her bed closing my eyes and stretching my arms over my head.

  “As a matter of fact, do.” She pushed her covered foot into my ribs. “Especially a certain friend of mine making out with a sinfully hot man on the dance floor!”

  Of course she remembers that. I groaned and rolled over to my side, propping myself up on my elbow. “It wasn’t like that.” Damn, I really wish it had been!

  “Really? ‘Cause it sure looked like that was exactly what it was like.” She smirked as she took a bite of toast.

  “Kyle was there.” I knew that would get her attention. She hated Kyle.

  “Excuse me? How did I miss that prick?” Talia’s sat up looking concerned. She was the one helping me pick up the pieces, and if she hated him before, she now looked like she could kill him.

  “He caught me as I stepped out of the bathroom. I ignored him and tried to walk away, but he grabbed my arm.” I looked down, noticing for the first time the faint bruises he had left around my forearm.

  “That son-of-a-bitch! I’m gonna kill him!” Talia pulled my arm toward her for a better look, running her fingers over my arm checking for….who knows. She was in a dreadful combination of mom and nurse mode.

  “Simmer down tiger!” I laughed at the pint-size blonde, who I was almost positive could put even the most obnoxious doctor in his place.

  “Trevor, the sinfully hot man, saved me. He pretended he was my date.” I rolled back onto my back, remembering how safe and protected I’d felt in his arms. Stupid, stupid Ava! There was no doubt in my mind that he could take on Kyle. Trevor seemed arrogant, but he looked like he could back it up. Kyle on the other hand was too arrogant for his own good. The bit of fear I saw on his face after he put his hands on Trevor was more satisfying than I could say.

  “That is what the kiss was about—just a show for Kyle.” I tried hard to keep the disappointment out of my voice, but it was impossible, and Talia noticed too.

  “Ava, he may have pretended to be your date to get you away from Kyle, but there was absolutely nothing pretend about that kiss.” She fanned her face with her hand. “I almost came right there on the dance floor watching you two.”

  I sat up with my mouth hanging open. “Sometimes I really wonder about you. You are so wrong on so many levels!” I stood up and walked to the door trying my best to hide my smile. “I need to get home.” I blew her a kiss.

  I could still hear Talia giggling as I closed the front door, shaking my head.


  I crashed down on my aunt’s sofa and groaned. My feet were killing me!

  I’d spent the entire weekend looking at numerous apartments. My aunt had insisted that she didn’t mind me living with her, and we hardly even saw each other anyway because she worked nights, but after two years of living with Kyle, I was actually really excited about having my own place.

  Out of the five apartments I had looked at over the last two days, I finally decided on one. It was close to work and Starbucks—in the Center City business district—very important things. It was also beautiful!

  The large apartment complex had been completely overhauled and the unit I would be getting had not even been lived in yet! The floors were a gorgeous dark hardwood and the walls were freshly painted a rich crème color. The kitchen was just begging to be used with its ample counter space, granite and top of the line appliances. I had half a mind to take some cooking classes just so I could do it justice.

  It was going to set me back a little more than I had planned, but I could afford it, and I wanted it. It was time to think about my wants and needs for a change.

  Next weekend was moving day. I should let Talia know that she is helping me. Most importantly, I should probably let her know so she could tone down the hangover. She wouldn’t be any help if she was walking around like she was ready to shatter at any moment.

  I looked around, taking in my surroundings. I really didn’t have much to move anyway. After I caught Kyle in the disgusting act, the thought of bringing any of the furniture with me made me sick. Who knows what and who had been on it? Gross! Nope, I would make a fresh start. That meant I needed to go do some serious shopping this week. I guess I would have to plan it for after work.

  As excited as I was about the new apartment, I was utterly exhausted. If I was going to be worth a darn tomorrow, I needed to get some rest.


  I juggled my coffee and cinnamon raisin bagel in one hand as I tried to maneuver my way through the glass door of the high rise office building.

  The hustle and bustle of the city in the morning was something that never got old. I loved the energy of the people, if only someone would slow down enough to hold the door for me. Good thing for ample hips!

  I managed to make it to the elevator with only one coffee mishap. Hopefully I still had some of those little Shout wipes in my desk still. The elevator doors finally opened to the fifteenth floor and I fought my way to the front to exit.

  Monday mornings were always a bit crazy. They began with the usual morning meeting with the staff on the advertising floor. With so many new accounts coming in, I was hoping to head one of the projects for once. I had worked in the advertising field for almost four years. I had to be tough and tenacious. Driven. Focused. That probably had something to do with the demise of my relationship with Kyle. Somewhere along the line my love life had taken the back burner, not to mention that Kyle was a complete ass to me. I see that now more than ever.

  “Good morning Ava.” Chelsea, the cute red head receptionist greeted me.

  “Good morning Chelsea. How was your weekend?” I had always gotten along great with the young woman. She was pleasant to a fault and hardly ever riled, which wasn’t easy in this man driven office.

  “Uneventful.” She shrugged. “The meeting is in ten minutes in the board room.” She handed me a folder and excused herself when the phone rang.

  I hurried down the hallway to my small office and tossed my purse in the desk drawer. I searched for a Shout wipe and went to work on the coffee stain on my chest. Great! It looks like I’m lactating! When
it was as good as it was going to get, I tossed it into the garbage pulled my jacket tighter around me and logged into my computer to check some final accounts before the meeting.

  My office was small and was actually supposed to be shared, but I had been there alone for the last four months after the other creative director left. I didn’t mind having it to myself. It was a nice break to be able to work in quiet.

  I grabbed my folders and iPad for notes, smoothed my hair and walked into the hallway.

  “Good morning Ava.” Shit! I tried not to groan. Josh was one of the copy editors for the advertising firm. He was nice, but was always a tad too friendly and seemed to always be encroaching on my personal space. I mean seriously, back the hell up! “Morning Josh.” I put on my best smile and then realized it might have been too much when I saw the way Josh seemed to be encouraged by it. Down boy!

  Thankfully we arrived to the board room right then and found our usual seats, away from each other, at the large familiar dark table. I set my things down and focused on the folders in front of me, going through some last minute things in my head. I wanted to be ready to prove that I was capable of heading one of the accounts. I could hear bits and pieces of the various conversations, but I tried to block them out.

  The large oak door shut firmly. “Good morning everyone.” George Jameson was the CEO of Jameson and Cartwright Advertising. He was a natural leader who demanded 100% from his employees. He was tough, but fair. I had always respected him. “We have a lot to cover in a short amount of time, so I’m going to be brief. If something needs clarifying, come see me later.” He sat down as his assistant handed out papers to each of us.

  “We have several new large accounts, and you will all find yourselves with a bit more responsibility in the coming weeks.” My heart danced a bit, hoping that this was my time.

  “Ava, I’m going to give you the Daniel’s account.” WooHoo!

  I had to school my emotions so that I didn’t jump out of my chair and do a happy dance—especially knowing what I looked like when I danced. “Yes sir.” I said calmly, even as my knee bounced excitedly under the table. The Daniel’s account was for a group of new night clubs in the area. Talia was going to love this!

  Mr. Jameson continued. “They want a woman’s perspective on this, but I am going to pair you up with someone else as well.”

  I should have known it was too good to be true. “May I ask who sir?” Please not Josh!

  Mr. Jameson smiled. “Of course. Please allow me to introduce you all to our newest Creative Director, Trevor Dawson.” Shut the front door! No! It couldn’t be. I looked up slowly from my iPad. I think I could feel it in my gut before I even had the chance to look.

  My world came to a crazy halt as I locked eyes—beautiful green eyes—with the same man I had spent the last two days trying to forget. Oh crap, it most certainly could be!

  Chapter 3


  I noticed her right away as she walked into the board room with the other man, who consequently, I already didn’t like. Her long dark hair was pulled back in a twist at the nape of her neck and wow, she looked fucking amazing! I’m not sure I’d seen a business dress and a blazer look so sexy before. I smiled when I noticed the wet spot on her chest where she obviously spilled something. Cute!

  She took a seat several spots down on the same side and immediately lost herself in some papers, almost oblivious to her surroundings, so I took the opportunity to check her out. She was as breathtaking as I remembered, and I began to thank my lucky stars that someone was obviously looking out for me. Oh man was I thankful!

  I’d spent the whole weekend pissed off at myself for the stupid mistake I’d made on Friday night. Nick and Tom and been ribbing me the entire time too. I guess that kiss was good enough to catch their attention from the bar. That kiss! It was amazing! It was hands down the best kiss I’d ever had and after my testosterone fueled moment, Ava thought it was just for show.

  Granted, that is what started it, but from the moment my lips touched hers, I was lost to it. Everyone around us had disappeared and I was alone with her and engaged completely in the kiss we were sharing. Then I went and opened my big mouth and completely screwed it up.

  After she had gotten away, I had no idea how I was going to find her again, but I knew I wasn’t going to stop until I did. I had plans to frequent every club looking for her again, but now she was sitting right in front of me. Nick and Tom were going to shit when I tell them this!

  I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Mr. Jameson say my name. I looked around the table when I realized he had introduced me and saw smiles and greetings, and then I settled my eyes on Ava. Oh yes baby, it’s me!

  To say she looked shocked would be down playing it for sure. Was it so wrong that it amused me ever so slightly? I couldn’t help myself—I smiled brightly at her and winked, almost laughing out loud when her eyes got wide.

  “Trevor, Ava will show you your office and you can go over the company profile together after the meeting.” Mr. Jameson was oblivious to our exchange.

  “Thank you sir.” He continued giving out assignments.

  I honestly didn’t hear much more of the meeting after that. A bad move as a new employee, but I found myself just watching Ava and waiting for the chance to be near her again.

  It wasn’t until everyone started milling around the room that I realized the meeting was over and Ava was headed my way.

  “Hi Trevor. Welcome” She shook my hand. Ever the professional.

  “Hi Ava.” Taking her hand, I leaned in so nobody else heard the exchange, and gave it a squeeze. “It’s so very nice to see you again.” I noticed a slight blush rise over her cheeks. This was going to be fun!

  “If you come with me, I’ll show you our office.” She straightened up and let go of my hand, turning away from me.

  “Our office? As in we share?” Now this could be even better than I could have hoped for!

  The glare she shot over her shoulder made me laugh. What was it about this woman that made every part of me seem to feel excited? I was feeling like a kid waiting in line for their first roller coaster ride. My stomach was nervous, but excited. My palms were sweaty. Shit! I needed to get myself under control.

  I walked behind her, taking in her sweet backside that gently swayed from side to side as she moved. As she checked back over her shoulder to make sure I was with her, she looked almost defeated—sad. As much as I wanted to say something to comfort her, I couldn’t think of the right words, and knowing the little amount of information I did about her, I had a feeling those words wouldn’t be welcome anyway. She was stubborn as hell!

  “Here we are, you can have the desk right there.” I looked around the small office as I put my bag on top of the desk that lined up directly across from Ava’s. It was a cozy space, and the way the room was set up, I would be facing her as we worked. “Hey Ava, I want to apologize for…” I started, but she cut me off before I could finish.

  “Trevor, please don’t.” She held up her hand. “Listen you did me a favor, nothing more. I appreciate it.” She opened her laptop and sat down. I didn’t want to push the topic yet, but damn it, I was determined to explain to her. I needed her to know that I thought the kiss we shared was amazing, not just a game. But without a doubt, if it was a game, it was one I wanted to keep playing!

  “Okay Ava.” You win for now. “Let’s look at the company specs.” I pulled my chair around the desk to share her computer screen. This was going to be harder than I’d thought. Being this close to her just might kill me. I could smell her hair. Strawberries. It made me want to grab a fist full and just bury my face in it and breathe deep.

  She was more beautiful than I’d remembered. Average height. Long dark hair. Creamy skin that looked flawless. I was in so much trouble, and from the looks of it, she wasn’t fairing much better. I could see the rise and fall of her chest with each breath and if the way she was pulling her shirt away from her, she was having trouble being
this close to me too. I scooted even closer, still looking at the computer screen. She could deny it and play it off like it had been nothing, but there was no way she didn’t feel a connection too.

  I was going to have a little fun with her—see just how far I could push her. Now I leaned in, looking closer at the website she had pulled up, pretending to be very interested. I positioned my elbow on the armrest of her chair, brushing her arm with mine. Even through her blazer, I could tell she felt it by the way she froze.

  She pushed her chair back and quickly stood up. “Is everything okay Ava?” I used my most innocent voice and look.

  “Um yeah. It’s just hot.” She shuffled out of her blazer, hanging it on the chair before pulling the chair over a bit and sitting back down.

  “Okay, let’s take a look at what we’re working with.” She leaned in toward her computer.

  “What the hell Ava?”

  “What?” She looked shocked. I hadn’t meant to yell, but when she sat back down and put her arm on the armrest of her chair, I noticed the bruises on her arm. Clearly four finger marks wrapping around her forearm.

  “Son-of–a-bitch!” I growled as I gently lifted her arm to get a closer look. She pulled her arm away from me, covering the bruises with her other hand.

  “Its fine Trevor, it doesn’t even hurt.” She said softly.

  I closed my eyes, trying to compose myself. I didn’t want to scare her. “I’m sorry Ava, I didn’t mean to startle you.” I took a deep breath, trying hard to reel in my alpha male mentality. “I just didn’t expect to see that. If I had realized he grabbed you that hard…” I stopped, relaxing the fists I had automatically made. I couldn’t allow myself to get so worked up over this, but I knew right then and there, that if I ever saw that prick Kyle again, it would take every bit of training I had to hold back and not kill him.